Understanding Post-Menopause: Insight into women’s health

2nd May 2024 By nehalroy

Menopause is a stage of a woman’s life that marks the end of her fertile years. A woman’s or a girl’s menstruation begins between the ages of 9 and 13 and ends when the period ends. From a medical perspective, this indicates that a woman’s ovaries will cease to produce eggs every four weeks. A woman loses her capacity to become pregnant after menopause.

Merely a year of spontaneous amenorrhoea or no menstruation is required to establish the certainty of menopause. 

Age of Menopause

The menopausal phase typically occurs in the late forties to early fifties for the majority of women worldwide. However, premature menopause is not a rare phenomenon. The main causes of premature menopause include ovarian failure, hysterectomy, uterine or ovarian surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Menopausal women experience symptoms such as dry vagina, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, and night sweats.

If any of the aforementioned symptoms are creating discomfort for a woman going through menopause, either medically or psychologically, she may need to see a doctor. Nonetheless, medical intervention is not necessary in the majority of cases. Alternative therapy such as dietary and lifestyle changes, frequent exercise, stress reduction, etc., can be beneficial to them. 

Woman’s health : Post Menopause

A woman experiencing menopausal symptoms may suffer heightened anxiety and anger. Family support serves as a therapeutic means for this. Many women have reported that receiving peer support in the form of get-togethers and bonding has a calming impact.

Medical research has demonstrated that bone density and vitamin D deficiency occur after menopause as a result of hormonal changes in the body. It is important to inform and motivate women to take calcium and vitamin D on a regular basis. Postmenopausal women living in both rural and urban areas should receive intensive counselling on changing their lifestyles, quitting smoking, and engaging in moderate physical activity on a regular basis. Beginning at age forty, women should make an appointment for a breast cancer screening every two years. 

An annual flu shot, a booster shot for tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years, and a pneumococcal vaccination after 65 years of age are recommended vaccination schedules for women going through menopause. It is strongly advised to get routine screening for colorectal and cervical cancer.

Few Important Points :-

The World Health Organization offers the following advice for coping with menopause’s challenges:

  1. Getting regular exercise 
  2. Practicing relaxation and deep breathing exercise
  3. Intake of a healthy balanced diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  4. Quitting active and passive smoking and limiting alcohol intake 
  5. Seeking immediate counselling for anxiety, mood changes and other psychological concerns
  6. Establishing a good sleeping pattern (recommended eight hours) and getting adequate rest
  7. Doing kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles  
  8. Sharing the experience with family and friends
  9. Exploring new ways of enjoying life or taking up a new hobby

Menopause is not just a change in a woman’s life that happens to many people. Numerous things might either positively or negatively affect their lives. A child moving away or other changes in their connection at work or home might have a big effect. These shifts can leave one feeling overpowered.

This can also be thought of as the beginning of a new chapter in a woman’s life.